Week 5: Will Eisner and the Graphic Novel

Comics and Sequential Art by Will Eisner

Will Eisner is often considered the father of the graphic novel. He coined the term ‘graphic novel’ in order to basically make selling a comic book sound more respectable. Even though the medium itself is a respectable medium, the American mindset was that a comic is more for children instead of for all ages as intended. Will Eisner was a master comic book artist and story teller. In this nook is his philosophy about comic books and sequential art. The art of sequential story telling which puts one image and juxtaposes it next to another in order to create time and mood. He goes deep into the making, how they work, what the frames are, how to create frames, etc., etc. The novel is almost like a course in sequential art and storytelling visually. It is extremely important for artists to be able to communicate using visuals and be able to tell a story through them. Eisner was a master at this as well as expression and expressive anatomy which is in part why this book was such a success.


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